


二、知识点 systemstat



systemstat = "0.8.2"


extern crate systemstat;

use std::io;
use systemstat::{MemInfo, System, CpuStats};

fn main() -> io::Result<()> {
    let mut cpu_stats = CpuStats::new()?;

    let mem_info = MemInfo::new()?;

    let system = System::new()?;

    println!("CPU Usage: {:.2}%", cpu_stats.usage());
    println!("Total Memory: {} MiB", mem_info.total() / 1_048_576);
    println!("Free Memory: {} MiB", mem_info.free() / 1_048_576);
    println!("Total Disk Space: {} GiB", system.disks_total_space() / 1_073_741_824);
    println!("Free Disk Space: {} GiB", system.disks_free_space() / 1_073_741_824);


二、知识点 systemstat

systemstat - RustThis library provides a way to access system information such as CPU load, mounted filesystems, network interfaces, etc.icon-default.png?t=N7T8https://docs.rs/systemstat/latest/systemstat/

GitHub - valpackett/systemstat: Rust library for getting system information | also on https://codeberg.org/valpackett/systemstat


A Rust library for getting system information/statistics:

  • CPU load
  • load average
  • memory usage
  • uptime / boot time
  • battery life
  • filesystem mounts (and disk usage)
  • disk I/O statistics
  • network interfaces
  • network traffic statistics
  • CPU temperature

Unlike sys-info-rs, this one is written purely in Rust.

Supported platforms (roughly ordered by completeness of support):

  • FreeBSD
  • Linux
  • OpenBSD
  • Windows
  • macOS
  • NetBSD
  • more coming soon


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