[Bug] Error: cannot import name ‘ALBERT_PRETRAINED_MODEL_ARCHIVE_LIST‘


BRANCH = 'r1.23.0'

!python -m pip install git+https://github.com/NVIDIA/NeMo.git@$BRANCH#egg=nemo_toolkit[all]
# Ignore pre-production warnings

import warnings


import nemo

# Import Speech Recognition collection

import nemo.collections.asr as nemo_asr

# Import Natural Language Processing collection

import nemo.collections.nlp as nemo_nlp

# Import Speech Synthesis collection

import nemo.collections.tts as nemo_tts

# We'll use this to listen to audio

import IPython


ImportError                               Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-16-57327be21084> in <cell line: 8>()
      6 import nemo.collections.asr as nemo_asr
      7 # Import Natural Language Processing collection
----> 8 import nemo.collections.nlp as nemo_nlp
      9 # Import Speech Synthesis collection
     10 import nemo.collections.tts as nemo_tts

ImportError: cannot import name 'ALBERT_PRETRAINED_MODEL_ARCHIVE_LIST' from 'transformers' (/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/transformers/__init__.py)
/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/nemo/collections/nlp/modules/common/huggingface/huggingface_utils.py in <module> 16 from typing import List, Optional 17 ---> 18 from transformers import ( 19 ALBERT_PRETRAINED_MODEL_ARCHIVE_LIST, 20 BERT_PRETRAINED_MODEL_ARCHIVE_LIST,


import nemo.collections.nlp as nemo_nlp

这一步有问题,但是根本原因还是 transformers 版本有点问题,找到对应的版本即可。


!pip uninstall transformers

!pip install transformers==4.36.0





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