
1. 引言

a16z crypto团队2024年7月更新了其Jolt路线图


附录 A 补充信息


  • LogUp+: reduction of multivariate polynomial in evaluation form to univariate in evaluation form
  • Gemini: reduction of multivariate polynomial in coefficient form to univariate in coefficient form
  • ZeroMorph: reduction of multivariate polynomial in evaluation form to univariate in coefficient form

而在,定位为:An advanced fork of Nova)中,实现了3种多项式承诺方案和3种evaluation argument:

  • 1)Pedersen commitments with IPA-based evaluation argument (supported on all three curve cycles), and
  • 2)HyperKZG commitments and evaluation argument (supported on curves with pairings e.g., BN254).
  • 3)KZG commitments with a Zeromorph evaluation argument (supported on curves equipped with a pairing).

其中所支持的3个curve cycles为:

  • 1)Pallas/Vesta
  • 2)BN254/Grumpkin
  • 3)secp/secq

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