



struct student
    int age;
    char *name;
    void (*read)(char *);

void read_book(char *book)
    printf("book is :%s", book);

int main(void)
    struct student s1;
    s1.age = 10;
    s1.name = strdup("xiaoming");
    s1.read = read_book;
    printf("name: %s age: %d\n", s1.name, s1.age);
    return 0;


如何使用c来实现同样的效果,首先肯定还是需要struct来构建父类和子类,同时如果要达到is a的效果,从内存空间来看,也就意味着父类占据了子类内存地址的最开始位置。所以,我们可以按照下面的方式来构造继承。

struct parent
    void (*func1)(void);

struct child
    struct parent pt;
    void (*func2)(void);

void test(struct parent *p)

int main()
    struct child cd;
    test((struct parent *)&cd);



#include <stdio.h>  

// 定义基类  
struct Shape
    void (*draw)(struct Shape*);  

// 定义派生类  
struct Circle
    struct Shape shape;  
    int radius;  

struct Rectangle
    struct Shape shape;  
    int width;  
    int height;  

void drawCircle(struct Shape *shape)
    printf("Drawing a circle...\n");
    struct Circle *circle = (struct Circle *)shape;
    printf("Circle radius is %d\n", circle->radius);

void drawRectangle(struct Shape *shape)
    printf("Drawing a rectangle...\n");
    struct Rectangle *rectangle = (struct Rectangle *)shape;
    printf("Rectangle width is %d\n", rectangle->width);
    printf("Rectangle height is %d\n", rectangle->height);

int main()

    struct Circle circle;
    circle.shape.draw = drawCircle;
    circle.radius = 10;

    struct Rectangle rectangle;  
    rectangle.shape.draw = drawRectangle;
    rectangle.width = 10;
    rectangle.height = 20;

    struct Shape *shape;

    shape = (struct Shape *)&circle;

    shape = (struct Shape *)&rectangle;
    return 0;  



struct i2c_driver {
    unsigned int class;

    /* Standard driver model interfaces */
    int (*probe)(struct i2c_client *, const struct i2c_device_id *);
    int (*remove)(struct i2c_client *);

    /* New driver model interface to aid the seamless removal of the
     * current probe()'s, more commonly unused than used second parameter.
    int (*probe_new)(struct i2c_client *);

    /* driver model interfaces that don't relate to enumeration  */
    void (*shutdown)(struct i2c_client *);

    /* Alert callback, for example for the SMBus alert protocol.
     * The format and meaning of the data value depends on the protocol.
     * For the SMBus alert protocol, there is a single bit of data passed
     * as the alert response's low bit ("event flag").
     * For the SMBus Host Notify protocol, the data corresponds to the
     * 16-bit payload data reported by the slave device acting as master.
    void (*alert)(struct i2c_client *, enum i2c_alert_protocol protocol,
              unsigned int data);

    /* a ioctl like command that can be used to perform specific functions
     * with the device.
    int (*command)(struct i2c_client *client, unsigned int cmd, void *arg);

    struct device_driver driver;
    const struct i2c_device_id *id_table;

    /* Device detection callback for automatic device creation */
    int (*detect)(struct i2c_client *, struct i2c_board_info *);
    const unsigned short *address_list;
    struct list_head clients;

    bool disable_i2c_core_irq_mapping;


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