Unity DOTS中的world


默认情况下,Unity会自动创建两个world,一个是editor world,一个是default world,分别用于编辑器环境与运行时环境。Unity定义了3个宏,用于禁用这两个world的自动创建:

  • #UNITY_DISABLE_AUTOMATIC_SYSTEM_BOOTSTRAP: 禁止editor world与default world自动创建

那么,我们先来看看editor world自动创建的时机。通过上述几个宏,可以顺藤摸瓜找到相应的代码:

/// <summary>
/// Can be called when in edit mode in the editor to initialize a the default world.
/// </summary>
public static void DefaultLazyEditModeInitialize()
    if (World.DefaultGameObjectInjectionWorld == null)
        // * OnDisable (Serialize monobehaviours in temporary backup)
        // * unload domain
        // * load new domain
        // * OnEnable (Deserialize monobehaviours in temporary backup)
        // * mark entered playmode / load scene
        // * OnDisable / OnDestroy
        // * OnEnable (Loading object from scene...)
        if (UnityEditor.EditorApplication.isPlayingOrWillChangePlaymode)
            // We are just gonna ignore this enter playmode reload.
            // Can't see a situation where it would be useful to create something inbetween.
            // But we really need to solve this at the root. The execution order is kind if crazy.
            Initialize("Editor World", true);

DefaultLazyEditModeInitialize的有效引用只有两处,一是在SubSceneOnEnable,二是在SubSceneInspectorOnInspectorGUI,换言之只有当场景中存在SubScene时,editor world才会被创建。我们可以实际验证一下,首先创建一个空场景,然后观察Systems Window,发现空空如也:

Unity DOTS中的world1


Unity DOTS中的world2

再看看default world创建的时机:

    static class AutomaticWorldBootstrap
        static void Initialize()
            DefaultWorldInitialization.Initialize("Default World", false);

带有RuntimeInitializeLoadType.BeforeSceneLoad属性的函数会在第一个场景加载时触发,因此,在runtime下,default world一定会被创建。

Unity DOTS中的world3


/// <summary>
/// Initializes the default world or runs ICustomBootstrap if one is available.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="defaultWorldName">The name of the world that will be created. Unless there is a custom bootstrap.</param>
/// <param name="editorWorld">Editor worlds by default only include systems with [WorldSystemFilter(WorldSystemFilterFlags.Editor)]. If editorWorld is true, ICustomBootstrap will not be used.</param>
/// <returns>The initialized <see cref="World"/> object.</returns>
public static World Initialize(string defaultWorldName, bool editorWorld = false)
    using var marker = new ProfilerMarker("Create World & Systems").Auto();




    if (!editorWorld)
        var bootStrap = CreateBootStrap();
        if (bootStrap != null && bootStrap.Initialize(defaultWorldName))
            Assert.IsTrue(World.DefaultGameObjectInjectionWorld != null,
                $"ICustomBootstrap.Initialize() implementation failed to set " +
                $"World.DefaultGameObjectInjectionWorld, despite returning true " +
                $"(indicating the World has been properly initialized)");
            return World.DefaultGameObjectInjectionWorld;
    var world = new World(defaultWorldName, editorWorld ? WorldFlags.Editor : WorldFlags.Game);

    World.DefaultGameObjectInjectionWorld = world;

    AddSystemToRootLevelSystemGroupsInternal(world, GetAllSystemTypeIndices(WorldSystemFilterFlags.Default, editorWorld));


    return world;


  1. 注册world的销毁逻辑;
  2. 判断是否有用户自定义的创建逻辑,如果有直接调用并返回;
  3. 如果没有,调用world自带的构造函数创建world;
  4. 创建world的system group,把属于world的尚未创建的system添加到相对应的group中;
  5. 把system group中的sytem,根据不同的执行顺序插入到player loop中;
  6. 初始化完毕,触发DefaultWorldInitialized回调,并返回world。


a. 从editor mode切换到play mode,此时editor world需要销毁;

b. 从play mode切换到editor mode,此时default world需要销毁;

c. 卸载当前AppDomain时(例如修改了scripts触发domain reloading),此时editor/default world都需要销毁。

/// <summary>
/// Ensures the current World destruction on shutdown or when entering/exiting Play Mode or Domain Reload.
/// 1) When switching to Play Mode Editor World (if created) has to be destroyed:
///     - after the current scene objects are destroyed and OnDisable/Destroy are called,
///     - before game scene is loaded and Awake/OnEnable are called.
/// 2) When switching to Edit Mode Game World has to be destroyed:
///     - after the current scene objects are destroyed and OnDisable/Destroy are called,
///     - before backup scene is loaded and Awake/OnEnable are called.
/// 3) When Unloading Domain (as well as Editor/Player exit) Editor or Game World has to be destroyed:
///     - after OnDisable/OnBeforeSerialize are called,
///     - before AppDomain.DomainUnload.
/// Point 1) is covered by RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethod attribute.
/// For points 2) and 3) there are no entry point in the Unity API and they have to be handled by a proxy MonoBehaviour
/// which in OnDisable can drive the World cleanup for both Exit Play Mode and Domain Unload.
/// </summary>
static void RegisterUnloadOrPlayModeChangeShutdown()
    if (s_UnloadOrPlayModeChangeShutdownRegistered)

    var go = new GameObject { hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy };
    if (Application.isPlaying)
        go.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideAndDontSave;

    go.AddComponent<DefaultWorldInitializationProxy>().IsActive = true;


    s_UnloadOrPlayModeChangeShutdownRegistered = true;



如果不是editor world,unity允许用户自定义创建world,负责创建的类需要继承自ICustomBootstrap接口,并实现Initialize方法。该方法返回值类型为bool,如果为true则会跳过default world的初始化。



UnsafeUtility.AsRef<WorldUnmanagedImpl>(m_Impl) = new WorldUnmanagedImpl(world,

    * if we init the entitymanager inside the WorldUnmanagedImpl ctor, m_Impl will not be set, and so when the
    * EM asks for the sequence number, it will ask for GetImpl().SequenceNumber and get uninitialized data.
    * so, init it here instead.
创建system group

一个system group可以包含若干sytem,也可以包含其他的system group。一个sytem group会按照一定顺序在主线程上调用子sytem/sytem group的更新逻辑。Unity默认会创建3个system group:

var initializationSystemGroup = world.GetOrCreateSystemManaged<InitializationSystemGroup>();
var simulationSystemGroup = world.GetOrCreateSystemManaged<SimulationSystemGroup>();
var presentationSystemGroup = world.GetOrCreateSystemManaged<PresentationSystemGroup>();

创建完毕后,Unity接着开始创建所有符合条件的system,再根据system的UpdateInGroup属性,判断system属于上述哪个system group:

// Add systems to their groups, based on the [UpdateInGroup] attribute.
for (int i=0; i<systemTypesOrig.Length; i++)
    SystemHandle system = allSystemHandlesToAdd[i];

    // Skip the built-in root-level system groups
    if (rootGroups.IsRootGroup(systemTypesOrig[i]))

    var updateInGroupAttributes = TypeManager.GetSystemAttributes(systemTypesOrig[i],
    if (updateInGroupAttributes.Length == 0)

    foreach (var attr in updateInGroupAttributes)
        var group = FindGroup(world, systemTypesOrig[i], attr);
        if (group != null)

如果system没有UpdateInGroup属性,那么就会放到默认的group里,这里就是SimulationSystemGroup;如果有,就根据属性中的参数类型,找到相应的system group。我们可以新增一个system加以验证:

using Unity.Entities;
using UnityEngine;

public partial struct FirstSystem : ISystem
    public void OnCreate(ref SystemState state) { Debug.Log("========FirstSystem==========="); }

    public void OnDestroy(ref SystemState state) { }

    public void OnUpdate(ref SystemState state) { }

Unity DOTS中的world4


插入player loop

最后,需要把3个顶层的system group插入到Unity的player loop中,让Unity在自身生命周期的不同阶段驱动system的update。

/// <summary>
/// Add this World's three default top-level system groups to a PlayerLoopSystem object.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// This function performs the following modifications to the provided PlayerLoopSystem:
/// - If an instance of InitializationSystemGroup exists in this World, it is appended to the
///   Initialization player loop phase.
/// - If an instance of SimulationSystemGroup exists in this World, it is appended to the
///   Update player loop phase.
/// - If an instance of PresentationSystemGroup exists in this World, it is appended to the
///   PreLateUpdate player loop phase.
/// If instances of any or all of these system groups don't exist in this World, then no entry is added to the player
/// loop for that system group.
/// This function does not change the currently active player loop. If this behavior is desired, it's necessary
/// to call PlayerLoop.SetPlayerLoop(playerLoop) after the systems have been removed.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="world">The three top-level system groups from this World will be added to the provided player loop.</param>
/// <param name="playerLoop">Existing player loop to modify (e.g.  (e.g. PlayerLoop.GetCurrentPlayerLoop())</param>
public static void AppendWorldToPlayerLoop(World world, ref PlayerLoopSystem playerLoop)
    if (world == null)

    var initGroup = world.GetExistingSystemManaged<InitializationSystemGroup>();
    if (initGroup != null)
        AppendSystemToPlayerLoop(initGroup, ref playerLoop, typeof(Initialization));

    var simGroup = world.GetExistingSystemManaged<SimulationSystemGroup>();
    if (simGroup != null)
        AppendSystemToPlayerLoop(simGroup, ref playerLoop, typeof(Update));

    var presGroup = world.GetExistingSystemManaged<PresentationSystemGroup>();
    if (presGroup != null)
        AppendSystemToPlayerLoop(presGroup, ref playerLoop, typeof(PreLateUpdate));

这里,Initialization,Update和PreLateUpdate是Unity引擎update过程中的不同阶段。具体add的逻辑很简单,就是递归查找符合type的player loop,然后插入到update list的末尾。在player loop内部的时序里,Initialization在Update之前,而Update又在PreLateUpdate之前。

static bool AppendToPlayerLoopList(Type updateType, PlayerLoopSystem.UpdateFunction updateFunction, ref PlayerLoopSystem playerLoop, Type playerLoopSystemType)
    if (updateType == null || updateFunction == null || playerLoopSystemType == null)
        return false;

    if (playerLoop.type == playerLoopSystemType)
        var oldListLength = playerLoop.subSystemList != null ? playerLoop.subSystemList.Length : 0;
        var newSubsystemList = new PlayerLoopSystem[oldListLength + 1];
        for (var i = 0; i < oldListLength; ++i)
            newSubsystemList[i] = playerLoop.subSystemList[i];
        newSubsystemList[oldListLength] = new PlayerLoopSystem
            type = updateType,
            updateDelegate = updateFunction
        playerLoop.subSystemList = newSubsystemList;
        return true;

    if (playerLoop.subSystemList != null)
        for (var i = 0; i < playerLoop.subSystemList.Length; ++i)
            if (AppendToPlayerLoopList(updateType, updateFunction, ref playerLoop.subSystemList[i], playerLoopSystemType))
                return true;
    return false;

[1] World concepts

[2] RuntimeInitializeOnLoadMethodAttribute

[3] Details of disabling Domain and Scene Reload

[4] Interface ICustomBootstrap

[5] System groups


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