

QPointer can only point to QObject instances. It will be automatically set to nullptr if the pointed to object is destroyed. It is a weak pointer specialized for QObject.
QPointer只能指向QObject实例。如果指向的对象被销毁,它将自动设置为 nullptr。它是一个专门用于QObject的弱指针。

template <typename T>
class QPointer

QObject *obj = new QObject;
QPointer<QObject> pObj(obj);
delete obj;
Q_ASSERT(pObj.isNull()); // pObj will be nullptr now



A reference-counted pointer. The actual object will only be deleted, when all shared pointers are destroyed. Equivalent to std::shared_ptr.
引用计数指针。只有当所有共享指针都被销毁时,实际对象才会被删除。相当于 std::shared_ptr。

template <typename T>
class QSharedPointer

int *pI = new int;
QSharedPointer<int> pI1(pI);
QSharedPointer<int> pI2 = pI1;
// pI2 is still pointing to pI, so it is not deleted
// No shared pointers anymore, pI is deleted

PS:QSharedPointer 是线程安全的,因此即使有多个线程同时修改 QSharedPointer 对象也不需要加锁。虽然 QSharedPointer 是线程安全的,但是 QSharedPointer 指向的内存区域可不一定是线程安全的。所以多个线程同时修改 QSharedPointer 指向的数据时还要应该考虑加锁。


Can hold a weak reference to a shared pointer. It will not prevent the object from being destroyed, and is simply reset. Equivalent to std::weak_ptr, where lock is equivalent to toStrongRef.

int *pI = new int;
QSharedPointer<int> pI1(pI);
QWeakPointer<int> pI2 = pI1;
// No shared pointers anymore, pI is deleted
// To use the shared pointer, we must "lock" it for use:
QSharedPointer<int> pI2_locked = pI2.toStrongRef();


This is just a helper class that will delete the referenced object when the pointer goes out of scope. Thus, binds a dynamically allocated object to a variable scope.

手动管理堆分配的对象既困难又容易出错,常见的结果是代码泄漏内存,难以维护。QScopedPointer是一个小型实用程序类,它通过将基于堆栈的内存所有权分配给堆分配(通常称为资源获取即初始化(resource acquisition is initialization:RAII)来大大简化这一过程。


template <typename T, typename Cleanup>
class QScopedPointer

MyClass *foo() {
    QScopedPointer<MyClass> myItem(new MyClass);
    // Some logic
    if (some condition) {
        return nullptr; // myItem will be deleted here
    return myItem.take(); // Release item from scoped pointer and return it


class UISvgIcon::Pimpl
	Pimpl(const QString &svgPath);
	QScopedPointer<QDomDocument> mSvgDoc_;
	QScopedPointer<QSvgRenderer> pSvgRender_;
	QScopedPointer<QPixmap> pPixmap_;

UISvgIcon::Pimpl::Pimpl(const QString &svgPath)
	mSvgDoc_.reset(new QDomDocument());

	pSvgRender_.reset(new QSvgRenderer(mSvgDoc_->toByteArray()));

	auto tDpi = UPGLUtil::getScreen()->logicalDotsPerInch();

	pPixmap_.reset(new QPixmap(SVGProperty(mSvgDoc_->documentElement(), "svg", "width").toInt() * tDpi,
	                           SVGProperty(mSvgDoc_->documentElement(), "svg", "height").toInt() * tDpi));


  1. Qt智能指针QPointer、QSharedPointer、QScopedPointer
  2. What is the difference between QPointer, QSharedPointer and QWeakPointer classes in Qt?


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