区块链可投会议CCF C--TrustCom 2024 截止9.1 附去年录用文章


Conference:23nd IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom)

CCF level:CCF C

Categories:Network and Information Security


Conference time:December 17-21, 2024


Track 1: Trust Track
• Trust semantics, metrics and models
• Trusted computing platform
• Trusted network computing
• Trusted operating systems
• Trusted software and applications
• Trust in social networks
• Trust in e-commerce and e-government
• Trust in mobile and wireless communications
• Risk and reputation management
• Survivable computer systems/networks
• Trust in 5G networks
• Miscellaneous trust issues in Cyber Security
• System reverse engineering
• Watermarking and security
• Cryptanalysis and security solutions

Track 2: Security Track
• Network and cyber security
• Computer security
• Database security
• Web applications security
• Security policy, model and architecture
• Security in social networks
• Security in parallel and distributed systems
• Security in mobile and wireless communications
• Security in cloud/pervasive computing
• Authentication, authorization and accounting
• Security of 5G Networks
• Miscellaneous security issues
• Steganography and steganalysis
• Security-aware facial recognition

Track3: Privacy Track
• Privacy in web-based applications and services
• Privacy in database systems
• Privacy in parallel and distributed systems
• Privacy in cloud/pervasive computing
• Privacy in mobile and wireless communications
• Privacy in e-commerce and e-government
• Privacy in network deployment and management
• Privacy and trust
• Privacy and security
• Privacy and anonymity
• Privacy preservation in 5G
• Miscellaneous privacy issues
• Privacy-preserving biometrics

Track 4: Forensics and Analytics Track
• Anti-forensics and analytics
• Big data forensics
• CCTV forensics
• Cloud forensics
• Computational forensics
• Cyber-physical system forensics
• Datamining for forensics
• Fingerprint forensics
• Image forensics
• Malware forensics
• Mobile app forensics (e.g. Skype, WeChat and Facebook)
• Mobile device forensics
• Multimedia forensics
• Network forensics

Track 5: Emerging Tech Track
• Emerging hardware security
• Emerging security problems and solutions in edge/fog computing
• Emerging paradigms of deep learning in security
• Emerging applications of reinforcement learning for securing networks
• Emerging secure mechanisms for service delivery models
• Emerging quantum safe cryptography for 5G
• Emerging techniques in intelligent transportation systems
• Emerging network attacks & anomalies detection and prevention
• Emerging approaches to cybersecurity
• Emerging techniques in identity management
• Emerging approaches of smart contract and distributed ledger
• Emerging blockchain techniques

Track 6: AI Trust Track
• Robustness and safety of machine learning
• Attacks on AI models
• Non-discrimination and fairness of AI
• Transparency and explainability of AI
• Auditability and accountability of AI
• Privacy preservation of AI
• Data truth discovery
• Trust framework for AI model generation and usage
• Trusted computing platform for big data learning
• Adversarial learning
• Trustworthy data fusion

Important Dates

July 1, 2024

Workshop Proposal

September 1, 2024

Submission Deadline

October 15, 2024

Author Notification

November 10, 2024

Final Manuscript Due

November 10, 2024

Registration Due

December 17-21, 2024

Conference Date






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